A integridade do médico: uma virtude ética indispensável
Integrity. Virtue. Medical professionalism. Doctor-patient relationship. Bioethics.Abstract
The integrity of the physician is one of the moral virtues most ap- preciated by patients. Nevertheless, we believe that it has not been properly valued in our country, both in the training of medical students and in the clinical practice of doctors. However, several studies and reports have been published in recent years, mainly in the U.S. and U.K., which emphasize in- tegrity as an essential virtue to medical professionalism. In this essay, we examine the significance of this fundamental ethical virtue, based on its ety- mology, semantics, and its centrality to the humanistic practice of healthcare. Beauchamp and Childress argue that the four virtues that characterize the morally virtuous health professional are compassion, carefulness, credibility, and integrity. Whereas the ethical reflection in the context of healthcare only makes sense if it is relevant to, and could be applied in, everyday clinical practice, we develop some features that, in our view, a physician with integri- ty should express, especially in her relationship to the patient.
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