Bioética, derechos humanos y ciudadanía
It to highlight the political interest that represents the concept of Human Rights as a condition of possibility of citizenship. And in this regard, to note some aspects that be consider relevant to the debate on the issue of citizenship is valid even today, that will help to localize at the same time, the space of problems articulated with different conceptions of citizenship and their political effects in the field of bioethics. As rightly pointed out David Miller, members of the modern states are currently adopting a patchwork of individual identities, as we can see through their ethnic affiliations, their religious loyalties, their views on morals, their ideas about what is valuable in life. But even with such differences, these individuals and groups with conflictive values need to live together politically and this means having the possibility to join “the common”, which is in the interest of each and every one, which is for all the point reference.
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