Knowledge and perceptions about bioethics among a sample of the population of Brasilia
Education. Bioethics. Citizenship. Human rights. Health.Abstract
This article presents the results from research carried out with the objective of analyzing people’s knowledge about bioethics. The study also aimed to indicate the main associations established between bioethics and the different analytical perspectives highlighted within this field. For these purposes, a questionnaire containing open and closed questions was drawn up and applied to sixty individuals of both sexes who were selected randomly from the population of Brasilia. The results from the investigation indicate that the interviewees were interested in issues within the field of study of bioethics. Nevertheless, difficulty in comprehending the terms used emphasizes the need to make the jargon of biotechnological sciences more visible for the population. It is hoped that this study will contribute towards creating informational and educational material within bioethics, in order to disseminate the discussion among different occupational sectors and groups and segments of the population in a general manner.
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