The doctor-patient relationship from the perspective of Pelle- grino and Thomasma


  • Jorge Cruz Universidade Católica Portuguesa



Edmund D. Pellegrino, doctor-patient relationship, beneficence, bioethics.


The author analyzes the doctor-patient relationship, considered the cornerstone of medical practice, from the perspective of Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma. We describe the main characteristics of the business and contractual models in clinical relationship situations, highlighting the proposal of Pellegrino and Thomasma of beneficence-in-trust. This model is based on the trust that should exist between doctor and patient, and takes into account four components of the good of the patient: the biomedical good, the patients’s own perception of the good, the good for the patient as a human, and the spiritual or ultimate good. It is an approach that values the autonomy and the dignity of the patient as a person, preserves his vulnerability from the scientific and technological advances in medicine but gives the doctor a key and active role in the search of the patient’s good.

Author Biography

  • Jorge Cruz, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

    Porto, Portugal.


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How to Cite

The doctor-patient relationship from the perspective of Pelle- grino and Thomasma. (2014). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 10(1-4), 10-22.