Is there a need for palliative care in women elderly in Primary Health Care?
Palliative care, Home care, Health promotion, Family care, Quality of lifeAbstract
Objective: To verify the eligibility of elderly women who
receive home care in Primary Health Care to be assisted in palliative care (CP). Method: A cross-sectional study developed in the city of Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, with 423 elderly women. Results: There was a predominance of women older than 75 years, with little social support
and diagnosis of chronic diseases. The Palliative Care Screening Tool indicated that 70% of the elderly are eligible to receive CP, 25% require complementary clinical evaluation and only 5% are not eligible. In addition, the majority presented altered functional capacity
with impairment of mobility and autonomy, since the reduction of ambulation from to totally bedridden ones. Conclusion: The majority of elderly women in this study are eligible for palliative care, showing the importance of public policies and protocols in primary care to address this issue, aiming to improve the quality of life of this population.
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