Social-Environmental Dimension of the UNESCO Declaration of Bioethics in the 2030 Agenda - Environmental Bioethics and Develo- pment Refugees
Agenda 2030. Environmental Bioethics. Capacity Theory. Development Refugees.Abstract
The article focuses on a literature review of AGENDA 2030,
from the socio-environmental perspective of Environmental Bioethics. With a focus on bioethics, the text develops a multidisciplinary study of the environmental asymmetries observed in post-modernity in relation o the vulnerability of populations. The theoretical framework of the study uses the “Social Theory of Focus on Capabilities” whose substrate of the existential minimum of human potential is interrelated with themes that permeate everyday issues of global magnitude in the context of sustainable development. This context is related to some theoretical
references explained in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights of UNESCO (UDBDH) that are in line with Sustainable Development and included in the Millennium Goals produced by the UN in the so-called AGENDA 2030. The study also supports the debate about the role of the State regarding its responsibility in facing
emerging situations found in vulnerable groups - the “development refugees” - as a result of socio-nvironmental problems.
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