Zupančič against Marcuse and a critique of the place of sexuality in Eros and Civilization
Sexuality. Herbert Marcuse. Alenka Zupančič. Philosophy of psychoanalysis. Negativity.Abstract
This article seeks to, in light of the theoretical contributions furnished by Alenka Zupančič in her work What is Sex? (2017) and of contributions provided by contemporary thinkers also inspired by a lacanian reading of psychoanalysis, such as Gabriel Tupinambá (2018) and Vladimir Safatle (2004), establish a critique of the treatment of the concept of sexuality given inside the text Eros and Civilization,(1955) of Herbert Marcuse. Therefore, firstly, the marcusean project of Eros and Civilization shall be reconstructed. Next, the conceptualization of sexuality elaborated by Zupančič shall be exposed. Finally, contrasting both systems thus presented, along with contributions given by thinkers adjacent to the theoretical line of Zupančič, it shall be shown that Marcuse does not conceive sexuality in its conceptuais pertinence and, thus, ends up inhibiting that which allows psychoanalysis to act as an autonomous field in a conflictive totality which philosophy cannot adequately address.
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