of the transcendence of Da-sein as world-former
Transcendence. Foundation. True. Freedom. Martin Heidegger.Abstract
Focusing on the problem of transcendence as a question of the essence of the foundation in Martin Heidegger, Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, in line with the hermeneutic-phenomenological-ontological-existential principle, addresses Leibniz's Principium Rationis Sufficientis and the problem of foundation as a correlation involving the essence of truth and the essence of transcendence through a theoretical-conceptual construction that encloses transcendence as being-in-the-world in a relationship that converges to the transcendence of Da-sein in its essence as world-forming. Pointing out transcendence as freedom for the foundation, the article shows that, according to Heidegger, constituting the founding of the original relationship involving freedom “to-with” the foundation, such a correspondence implies that, founding, it gives freedom and takes foundation, whose founding, rooted in transcendence, involves a multiplicity of modes, among which founding imposes itself as “erecting”, “taking ground” and “founding”, converging to the event involving a world as a world in freedom for a “being from a distance.”
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