por Wilhelm von Humboldt
Wilhelm von Humboldt. Wilhelm Meister. Aesthetics. Novel. Bildung.Abstract
Wilhelm von Humboldt was one of Goethe's few interlocutors to criticise the novel Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship (1795-96) before it was published. At the author's request and alongside Schiller, Humboldt made critical comments on the manuscripts during the period of the work's composition and publication, whose remarks not only possibly influenced Goethe's writing, but also show his interpretation of the narrative, a paradigm in the novel's critical tradition. This translation, preceded by an introductory study, brings together the three most significant letters written by Humboldt about the Meister, in which, on the one hand, the critic examines specific themes of the novel and, on the other, seeks to understand its meaning a whole, above all by reflecting on the notion of “years of apprenticeship”.
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