the importance of psychoanalysis in the formation of the adornian social theory
Adorno. Psychoanalysis. Freud. Dialetics.Abstract
The present work has as its goal to map the critical appropriation of the conceptual apparatus of the freudian metapsychology made by the german philosopher Theodor Adorno in some articulations present in the Dialetic of Enlightment. Firstly, the analysis seeks to highlight how the aporias of the treatment of the epistemological problem of the relation between transcendental philosophy and psychoanalysis present in the Habilitation of 1927, the first adornian attempt to philosophically interpret the freudian thought, ends in the formation of the conceptual framework of the Dialetic of Enlightment. Then, it emphasizes how the center of this framework has as it one of its essential points a tension between arguments of the freudian metapsychology and the hegelian philosophy, where determined elements are redimensioned and organized in the form of a critique of the instrumental rationality.
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