the modernity and the terror of racism
Modernity. Racism. Metaphysics.Abstract
Modernity is more than just a period in human history, it involves various elements such as the so-called European expansion, the advance of capitalism and colonialism, all of which influence societies to this day. This article aims to understand how modernity and its constitution were decisive and contributed to the creation of the category of race and, as a corollary of this creation, racism. The category of race at first acquires a biological explanation and justification and, when this explanation falls apart scientifically, it takes on the character of a social construction that could only be achieved through the development of social aspects that modernity engendered. In this way, we have made an effort to understand how racism also takes on a metaphysical character, as it has no scientific justification, but nevertheless permeates social relations today. In chapter two we demonstrate how a racial essentialization occurs from modernity onwards and leads to this metaphysics.
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