challenges and strategies from the contributions of Slavoj Zizek




Violence. Capitalism. Liberalism. Antagonism. Psychoanalysis.


As a result of the violent character that makes the progress of capitalism possible, the change to wage labor and the social and reproductive division of labor provoked significant transformations that determine how individuals position themselves ontologically, because as a "free" worker, but also as a "consumer", the subject is totally transformed, in a kind of "freedom" determined and constrained by the capitalist form itself. We tried to investigate the forms of violence covered up by the system based on the division conceived by the philosopher Slavoj Zizek in its subjective and objective forms. The investigation of this work was directed toward the analysis of categories such as tolerance, fear, and antagonism, implicated by the economic and political mode of action of liberalism. The articulation of these categories was systematized based on the Lacanian concept of the Real, as read by Zizek, as a hypothesis to confront the popular struggles for emancipation and resistance, given the transformations that capture the subject and its relations.


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Author Biography

  • Anna Carolina Cutrim, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

    Graduanda em filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS). Bacharel em psicologia pela Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (FADBA). Com experiência em psicologia clínica. Integrante do grupo de estudos "Capitalismo e disputa de sentidos", Resolução CONSEPE - UEFS 034/2023. Possui interesse em psicanálise lacaniana, processo de subjetivação e cultura, filosofia política e aspectos que constituem os sujeitos e suas relações.


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How to Cite

VIOLENCE IN TIMES OF CAPITALISM: challenges and strategies from the contributions of Slavoj Zizek. (2023). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 11(24), 239-258.