Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig and the theistic belief
Reformed Epistemology. Plantinga. Evidentialism. Kalam Cosmological Argument. Craig.Abstract
The Reformed Epistemology developed by Alvin Plantinga seeks to make, based on John Calvin’s sensus divinitatis, a defence that belief in God can be properly basic with respect to justification and to warrant. Thus, the religion philosopher defends that theistic believer does not need evidential reasons for his belief in God. However, Plantinga’s epistemological defence is limited by the absence of positive reasons in favour of theistic belief. Therefore, this article aims to relate the Reformed Epistemology to an evidentialist defence of theistic belief. For this, will be particularly analysed the Kalam Cosmological Argument, defended by William Lane Craig as an important part of his natural theology. It is intended, consequently, to demonstrate how evidentialism can contribute substantially to Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology, strengthening the defence of belief in God.
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