the writer's task in Benjamin and Kierkegaard


  • Lucas Lazzaretti Unicamp



Walter Benjamin. Kierkegaard. Narrative. Productive Experience. Crisis of the Novel.


This paper aims to analyze how Walter Benjamin's reflections on narration, on the figure of the author and on experience allow us to think about what could be, in the time after the crisis of the novel – and of all narratives – the writer's task. In his writings, Benjamin gives indications on what would be the contours of such a writer's task, however without clearly and conceptually explaining how this issue should be thought about in a terrain that aims to overcome the problem of impoverishment of experience that affects the core of narrative and therefore of literary writing. Seeking to fill some gaps left by Benjamin's contributions, this paper also sought to analyze how Søren Kierkegaard's reflections on the relationship between experience, existence and literary writing can help to understand this theme, especially with regard to the concept of life-view as a fundamental point of understanding about the narrative construction.


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How to Cite

THE PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTIVE EXPERIENCE: the writer’s task in Benjamin and Kierkegaard. (2022). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 10(20), 73-94.