knowledge and metaphysical implications




Synthetic. A priori. Science. Knowledge. Metaphysics.


This article aims to make a general explanation about the synthetic a priori judgments in the Critique of Pure Reason, as well as demonstrate your relationship with the scientific knowledge and the metaphysical implications of this concept. For this, should be analyzed the basic notions for the formulation of synthetic a priori judgment, seen by Kant as the central axis of the general problem of the pure reason. From this, the article asks what are the implications of the syntheticity a priori for objects how God, world and soul as well as if the Kant’s philosophical work can be seen how metaphysics. Thus, it is concluded that Kant describes the scientific judgments and extend them to the metaphysics, excluding the speculative knowledge of the objects quoted above and formulating a metaphysics of nature that underlies the possibility conditions of the synthetic a priori judgments.


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Author Biography

  • Arthur Henrique Soares dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Pará

    Tem experiência na área de Filosofia Moderna, em particular na filosofia teórica de Kant, com interesse em suas interpretações posteriores, principalmente na interpretação semanticista elaborada no contexto da filosofia analítica. Tem também interesse na área da filosofia da religião, em particular na epistemologia reformada desenvolvida por Alvin Plantinga e nos trabalhos de Herman Dooyeweerd acerca da teoria da cosmovisão. 


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How to Cite

THE SYNTHETIC A PRIORI JUDGEMENTS IN THE KANT’S CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON: knowledge and metaphysical implications. (2020). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 9(18), 48-70.