the crisis of subjectivity in the narrative of itself




Subjectivity. Autobiography. Narrative of itself.


The critical conception of autobiography reveals a dimension of negativity in the writing of self and, above all, the negation of the idea of an integral and cohesive subjectivity. The critical approach of autobiography and, consequently, of subjectivity investigated in this text finds in Nietzsche a concept as multiplicity of self; thus, the autobiographical narrative considered here reviews the model of traditional autobiography. Based on a critical understanding of modern subjectivity, I seek to elucidate the transformation of this narrative within philosophy; from this central goal, I investigate the specific characteristics of this autobiographical writing. The study of these work leads, at the end, to the understanding of the crisis and the weakening of subjectivity, which, if does not eliminate the subject and its purpose of narrating their life, at least calls into question the incompleteness of the speaker, writer and philosopher.


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Author Biography

  • Guilherme Bruno Giani, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Graduando em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás.


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How to Cite

PHILOSOPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN NIETZSCHE: the crisis of subjectivity in the narrative of itself. (2020). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 9(17), 52-74.