Art. Technology. Metaphysics. Origin.Abstract
This article intends to analyze how art, according to Heidegger, shows itself as a manifestation of being counterfactual to the mode of being of technology ”“ understood as the final epoch of metaphysics. For this purpose, it will be necessary to analyze the Greek notion of techné, and how this notion is initially linked both to the knowledge of the production of utensils, and to the knowledge of artistic production. Thus, we will see how the Greek techné, understood as a knowledge, becomes, with the predominance of metaphysics, a doing, unfolding throughout history until the time of modern technology. In regards to the consummation of metaphysics in the age of the technology, we intend to show, focusing on the essay The Origin of the Work of Art (1936), that art, for Heidegger, being at once consanguineous and foreign to modern technique, shows us a more original relation with being and with notions attached to it, such as truth and origin.
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