Democracia. Burocracia. Cidadão. Socialismo. Gestão.Abstract
Cornelius Castoriadis' proposal is to build an autonomous society. For this, it is necessary an analysis of the heteronomous modes of society that were built up until then, which are capitalist societies, both of a fragmentary bureaucratic capitalism (in the Western bloc), and of a total bureaucratic capitalism (in the Soviet bloc). For there to be a complete break with these types of capitalisms, a democratic horizon is needed through the workers' management of production, something that will break with the historic division between leaders and performers and with the division of power in society. His criticism of the bureaucracy, as an element that prevented the full attainment of socialism, and his proposal for a workers' democracy are fundamental elements for the emergence of the autonomy of the modern citizen, as well as of the whole of modern society.
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