


Religion. Rousseau. Tolerance. Moral


Borned into a Calvinist home, with passages through Catholicism, out of necessity, because of his conditions, Rousseau wrote a lot about religion, especially regarding its relation and importance to moral and politics. As a critic of both the Christian religion of his time (Catholic and Protestant) and the materialism present in philosophy, he suffered from many persecutions because of his opinions in this field. The present article proposes to investigate how Rousseau conceives the idea of Religion. In order to do so, besides examining the context in which the author is inserted, it will also be investigated: what are his main criticisms? And who are they addressing to? From where does the author receive influence for his ideas? What is the importance of his thinking about religion to moral and political issues? We believe that understanding these questions, that were formulated in a context of great agitation, could also help to understand the current questions which are presented about the relation between religion and politics.


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Author Biography

  • Joézer Carvalho de Castro, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Bacharel em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Desenvolveu pesquisa de iniciação científica durante dois anos, sob orientação da professora Drª Helena Esser dos Reis, na área de filosofia política no pensamento de Rousseau. Atualmente é mestrando do Programa de Pós Graduação em Filosofia da UNIFESP, pesquisando o tema da tolerância em Rousseau e nos demais autores do século XVIII. 


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How to Cite

RELIGION AND POLITICS IN THE THOUGHT OF ROUSSEAU. (2018). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 7(13), 194-206.