Social Contract. Political Practice. Law. Rousseau.Abstract
The influence that the Social Contract had, historically, on the French Revolution is known (DERÁTHE, 2009, 30). However, it is possible to investigate in what practical sense Rousseau would have liked his work to be taken into account. In this sense, the present work seeks to counteract to a reading that intends to take the Social Contract as a model of an effective political achievement. To do so, some canonical texts of Rousseau will be examined: Rousseau: from theory to practice (SALINAS, 1976) and The Social Contract ”“ between the scale and the program (NASCIMENTO, 1988), in order to think of the transitions Rousseau makes in his work between the abstract field of law, duty of being, with the empirical field, of the effective political practice. It is believed that, after analyzing these texts, it will be more safe to establish the link between Rousseau's work and the political practice in the different senses that his work can evoke.
DERATHÉ, Robert. Rousseau e a ciência política de seu tempo [1950]. Tradução de Natalia Maruyama. São Paulo: Barcarolla, 2009.
NASCIMENTO, Milton Meira do. O Contrato Social ”“ entre a escala e o programa. Discurso, São Paulo, 1988, n. 17, p. 119-129.
ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques. Considerações sobre o governo da Polônia e sua reforma projetada. Tradução de Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 1982.
____________________________. Do Contrato Social. São Paulo: Editora Abril, 1978.
____________________________. Emílio ou Da educação. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999.
SALINAS, Luiz Roberto Fortes. Rousseau: da teoria à prática. São Paulo: Editora Ática, 1976.
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