consideration from the Apology of Socrates, by Plato
Plato. Apology of Socrates. Philosophical discurse. Greek Polis.Abstract
The judgment of Socrates, held in Athens in 399 BC, is among the most striking facts in the history of Ancient Greece. One of the greatest references to this event is Plato's Apology of Socrates, which provides the panorama for thinking about the problems of legitimation of philosophy in the polis space, as well as its relation to other voices of the city, traditional or not. In this context, philosophy is imposed with the task of constructing for itself an appropriate discursive form. The purpose of this text is to present the Apology of Socrates as the elaboration of a discursive paradigm for philosophy. For this, it will be necessary to develop the conceptual distinctions between this modality of discourse and the others - poetics (religion), sophistry (education) and rhetoric (politics).
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