socialism an liberalism
Liberalism. Socialism. Globalization. Multiculturalism.Abstract
The definition of liberal thought, which emerged seventeenth century, is a set is of principles and political theories, whose main point is the defense of political and economic freedom, though, the free use by each individual of his property, omits the fact that since its origin, not all are landowners and workers have only their labor force. In this society as in the present, not all are equal and not the goods are common to all. In this context marriages were mainly political and economic strategies aimed own interests, freedom and the exercise of the will were seen as threats to family "bases". Although since Plato, reaching Comte, were the incentive for individuals to cultivate what was best for you, the imperfection of the "I" was contained by self-control, who was contrary to the laws was considered a pariah. In the counterculture appeared philosophers like Nietzsche who denounced the anthropometry of human enslavement, fighting for the right to freedom. So in the last decades of the twentieth century, individuals conquer their spaces before watertight values such as feminism; religious tolerance; the divorce; homosexuality among others.
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