the triumph of the catastrophe and the unspeakability of critical experience
Language. Negative dialectics. Epistemology.Abstract
This paper is a result of the graduate thesis Flertando com o Inefável: Dialética e Linguagem em Adorno, and has the interest by a general approach towards the consequences of the capitalist life form’s world crisis in which we live. We’ll see then (1) the incapacity of saying that which absurdly overwhelms the conceptual experience and, therefore, the critique that lies before a situation closed to any notion of emancipation and revolution common to the workers. This nowadays incapacity oblige the critique to reorganize itself (2) to account for the calamity and catastrophe incited by old ruling classes’ hate; and by the authoritarian personality’s violence that can not face the loss of total power, ruling and control - both consequences of the historical and material modern conditions.Downloads
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