Plato. Republic. Mimesis. Myth. Image. Dialectic.Abstract
There are many readings about the platonic myth, but the work in question seeks to reveal how the myth in Plato is not only a rhetorical strategy before limitations of language, but rather shows how the myth offers a plausible hypothesis. Moreover, it is also a change of man at a very deep level; since the beginning of the Republic, Plato admits the power that stories have in the soul of children and how these stories guide men into the virtues or the reprehensible habits. However, aware of the danger that the bad stories may have on the conduct of men, Plato do not use myths naively as he acknowledges the polysemy that myths allow due to its structure, which allows numerous frames of interpretation. Thus, Plato finds an outlet to transcend the barriers of language through images since the myth shows an inexhaustible field of meanings.
Fontes Primárias
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Fontes Secundárias
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