Recognition. Ethical Life. Philosophy of Right. Freedom. Hegel.Abstract
This paper aims to reconstruct the main aspects of the interpretation of Hegel as proposed by Axel Honneth. In this sense, after exposing the reception of the Hegelian philosophy for the elaboration of Honneth’s theory of recognition in his main work ”“ Struggle for recognition ”“ (1), I discuss how Honneth tries to update the Hegelian theory of ethical life through a review of his Philosophy of Right (2). In a third part, it is shown how Honneth interprets the problems of Hegel’s original project (3). Even though briefly, I conclude suggesting that, in the context of Honnethian project of updating Hegel’s thought, it is possible to rereading three controversial concepts of the Hegelian theoretic framework: spirit, teleology and logic. In this way, I try to explicit a new interpretative nexus to Hegel’s original idea, reread over current conceptual standars, as well as to pointing to possible new avenues for Honneth’s project.
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