eroticism and death drive in Bataille and Freud




Pleasure principle. Eroticism. Bataille. Freud. Continuity.


It is intended in this article to outline an approximation between Freud and Bataille based on the main texts "Beyond the principle of pleasure" and "Eroticism". This affinity between the two would be based on the nostalgia of a primordial continuity, expressed by Bataille in moments of ecstasy such as erotic fusion and sacrifice, and Freud for the death drive. From a brief presentation of the topic to both, we will show how this nostalgia of a primordial continuity differs for the two authors for its distinct perspectives on death. Finally, it will attempt to outline a kind of ontology that will permeate both authors, thinking both the Freudian drive theory in its characteristic disruptivity and the Bataillian report. We will also go through the concepts of death and life in the authors, giving us material to try to outline the differences and ontological approaches between both.


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Author Biography

  • Bárbara de Barros Fonseca, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Mestranda em Filosofia pelo Departamento de Filosofia da UFF, enfoque nas áreas de estética, filosofia contemporânea, filosofia da psicanálise.


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How to Cite

NOSTALGIA FOR CONTINUITY: eroticism and death drive in Bataille and Freud. (2014). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 3(5), 120-138.