investigations into the drive mechanism of laughter
Joke. Freud. Laughter.Abstract
This article proposes a brief panorama around the series of problems concerning the laughter in the history of thinking. Pointing it's most common and main incidents as well the inevitable tension caused by the notion of what is reasonable by the philosophical tradition. This overview is necessary in order to understand what Freud proposes for the phenomenon of laughing. Taking point on a theory that is led by the concept of a state beyond consciousness that exists despite reason. So, for this oblique understanding of the phenomenon, we propose to analyze the elements of "witz", comic and humor inside Freud's work "The Joke and it's Relation to the Unconscious" in order to provide theorical elements that will encourage and rise the expectation to clarify the laugh and how it works. Increasing by the end of the analysis future questions and debates around what the author proposes.
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