in letters to a German friend of Albert Camus




Camus. Nation. Justice. Friendship. Love.


A reflection on the interaction between the concepts of nation, justice and friendship in the works of Albert Camus, particularly through the book Lettres à un ami allemand. Here, we will explore different forms of national identity through the idea of love of the country. Therefore, we introduce the discussion about means and ends in politics with the work Les Justes. That way we will approach the consequences of unconditionality of such feelings. Finally, together with Camus, we will argue that justice must be a conditioning element in this relationship. We will conclude this discussion with a brief reflection about the possibilities surrounding the transnational identities.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Gabriel de Pinho Araújo, Universidade de Brasília

    Bacharel, licenciado e atual mestrando do Departamento de Filosofia. Tese de graduação e mestrado sobre Albert Camus e possíveis relações entre 1 - a filosofia e a literatura; 2- a ética e a estética.


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CAMUS, Albert. O Mito de Sísifo. Tradução de Ari Roitman e Paulina Watch. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2004.

CAMUS, Albert. Os Justos. Tradução de António Quadros, coleção miniatura. Lisboa: Editora Livros do Brasil, s/d.

CAMUS, Albert. O Homem Revoltado. Tradução de Valerie Rumjanek, 6ª Edição. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2005.

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How to Cite

BORDERS BETWEEN NATION AND FRIENDSHIP: in letters to a German friend of Albert Camus. (2013). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 2(3), 185-193.