a study from the work Über Pädagogik
Pratical Philosophy. Education. Citizenship. Kant.Abstract
The scope of this paper is to rescue the educational principles of practical philosophy teacher of Königsberg , Immanuel Kant. For this, we have as a theme for reflection: the relationship of theory of education with moral and political education of the student. The objectives of this paper are: the reconstruction of the principles and foundations of pedagogy as an integral component of Kant‘s practical philosophy, the analysis of the pedagogical practices of discipline, instruction and moral education for the formation of character, examining the connection between moral education and the formation of citizenship in the student as the final end (letzter Zweck) of pedagogic practice. The preparation of this article had as to research criteria: the relevance of Kant's reflections on education, the consistency between theory and practice of pedagogical theory, especially with regard to the proposed educational training of individuals who act in a politically and morally autonomous. Moreover, the theoretical assumptions of Kant's critical philosophy can contribute to understanding and solving current dilemmas of educational practice.Downloads
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