an aesthetic critique of modernity from Martin Heidegger
Ontology. Truth. Technology. Art. Heidegger.Abstract
This paper intends to consider Heidegger is "Kehre” from the point of view of his position concerning art. To begin with some topics of Heidegger's existencial analytics was examinated, developed in Being and Time, especially the concepts of comprehension and ontological difference, as well as the appropriation of phenomenology by the fundamental ontology (1). Then, an investigation of Heidegger is interpretation of the pre-Socratic notion of truth (aletheia) was proceeded and the way Heidegger aims at unfolding this notion in a pre-predicative conception of language (2). Thirdly a discussion of Heidegger is conception of technology in connection with the Vorhandensein/Zuhandensein distinction was made in order to delineate Heidegger is critical diagnosis of contemporary world, marked by the enduring desire to eliminate alienation of subject and object, in terms of the continuity between metaphysics, modern science and technology (3). After explaining the conceptual innovations underlying Heidegger is notion of Ereignis, the paper ends with a discussion of Heidegger is thesis of the work of art as essentialization of truth. In the concluding remarks, I attempt to account for Heidegger is late philosophical project as an ontology of art. In addition to this, I reflect upon the main differences between the late project and existential analytic, and argue that the ontology of art provides access to the hermeneutic and pre-predicative dimension of language (4).
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