Trajectories of territorial planning in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A Renewed Geography Approach
Territorial planning. Northeast. SUDENE. future. Rio Grande do Norte.Abstract
Historical understanding of territorial planning policies is crucial for regional development. This article revisits the trajectory of territorial planning in Rio Grande do Norte from 1959 to 2010, a period marked by the influence of the Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE). Based on the principles of geographer Maria Adélia Aparecida de Souza, the study emphasizes the integration of spatial and temporal dimensions, territorial solidarity, and the pursuit of an equitable future. The analysis is supported by a documentary review of studies, speeches, and government plans, complemented by interviews with ten key informants in 2009 and secondary data from IBGE. Four phases of modernization and development strategies are identified, showing progress and persistent challenges that require continuous revisions in planning practices.
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