Geography and the integration process of Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin American integration. Monitoring land use. UNILA. Geopolitics. Geopoetics.Abstract
This text presents ideas and elements for setting up a system to monitor land use in Latin America, to monitor the integration process, with the development and implementation of national government policies. It reflects on the need to resume the discussion on the territorial dimension of public functions of common and collective interest, considering integration as a way to support continental, national, regional and local policies that minimize socio-spatial inequalities, perverse characteristics of the Latin American and Caribbean reality exacerbated by globalization. It also deals with the creation of a multidisciplinary database of common interest on the continent, which could be linked to UNILA – University for the Integration of Latin America, an instrument of the continental integration process. These ideas are based on a theoretical geographic foundation and the characteristics of the globalized world, to outline the territorial planning of integration. Geography, Geopolitics and Geopoetics broaden the perspectives of this reflection.
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