Particularities of Haiti's socio-spatial formation in the context of Latin America and Caribbean
Colonization. Latin America. Caribbean. Haiti. Socio-spatial inequalities.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the particularities of the socio-spatial formation of Haiti in the context of Latin American and Caribbean countries, taking into account contemporary socio-spatial inequalities, which is one of the characteristics of the States of Latin America and the Caribbean, inherited from the colonial period and slavery. From a methodological point of view, taking as a reference the theory and method of socio-spatial formation (Santos, 1979) as a basis for analysis that covers all social issues in time and space. Furthermore, a bibliographical survey was carried out showing that the origins of inequalities in Haiti are inherent to the colonial relations of production that France maintains with that country, where the effects of the period of colonization are similar in other Latin American and Caribbean states.
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