The Urban Renewal of Getsemaní and the Patrimonialization of the Historical District of Cartagena, Colombia
patrimonialization. urban renewal. tourism. right to the city.Abstract
This article analyzes the inclusion of Getsemaní, a popular neighborhood located within the walled city of Cartagena, within the process of patrimonialization of the historical district between 1978 and 1984. Getsemaní passed through a mixed model that articulated a traditional model of patrimonialization, based on the restoration of the colonial architecture, and a model of urban renewal that set flexible policies that allowed the construction of modern buildings in order to activate the neighborhood’s economic capacities. Based on the qualitative analysis of primary sources, including newspaper articles, urban redevelopment plans, pictures, maps, and zoning codes, this article examines the conflicting visions around the process which exhibit the dispute between those who defended a social function of the urban space and those who sought to turn it into an object of touristic and cultural consumption.
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