Tourism, heritage and experience of interprofessional education in Camagüey, Cuba
heritage. urban tourism. health. interprofessional education. safe destination.Abstract
Since threats such as Covid-19, humanity has focused its gaze on health as an essential element for its survival. From this perspective, professional training processes should be updated under the prism of Interprofessional Education (IPE), as an educational strategy that offers advantages to address complex problems. In this sense, methodologically, a theoretical approach to heritage and urban tourism is established in current conditions, which demonstrates the need for guarantees for the health of residents and tourists. The objective of the work is to propose a set of possible actions to be implemented in areas of high patrimonial values where urban tourism is developed, capable of guaranteeing its management with greater health and safety criteria, once training processes have been developed under the EIP prism. To do this, a public space in the city is selected and a proposal is developed aimed at achieving safe urban tourism.
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