The Pilgrim's Route. Paths and landscape through literature and architecture
Pilgrim path. landscape. literature. architecture.Abstract
The paper exposes an exploratory method to analyze paths with religious purposes in portions of landscape, addressing the Pilgrim's Route, a procession to the sanctuary of the Virgin del Rosario in Talpa de Allende, Jalisco (Mexico) that gather millions of devotees annually. To proceed, consider two artistic disciplines such as literature and architecture. The written word helps to recreate the atmosphere, taking literary pieces from the Mexican post-revolution, in particular Talpa by Juan Rulfo, to interpret the polyphony of voices in the rural environment of this portion of Jalisco. From the architectural dimension, analyze three objects located on the pilgrimage route as symbolic artifacts and mystical expression. Finally, mix the views to suggest alternative paths in the study of territorial and social dynamics in contexts such as the one addressed. As final notes, the contemplation of the landscape and the pilgrimage rites can enriched if they consider artistic components, such as literary landscapes and architectural elements.
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