Agroindustrial heritage and history of the territory in Mexico. The manufacture of piloncillo in Zimatlán, Oaxaca
territorial ecogénesis. territory used. trapiche. Latin America.Abstract
A historical review is presented on the productive activity of sugar cane, input and mill introduced during the Spanish invasion that receives the name of trapiche in a fraction to the south of the Mexican territory: the Central Valleys of Oaxaca. The objective is to understand the phenomenon of the appearance of architectural spaces dedicated to this activity that still survive in Zimatlán based on concepts of geography. Methodologically, it is approached from the territorial ecogenesis and used territory. Through primary sources and field work contrasted with archival documents, the spaces that were used for the manufacture of piloncillo were identified and that are part of the disappearing industrial heritage that explains and constitutes the history of the peoples of Zimatlán, this being the main contribution of the research.
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