Governance, habitat and participation. Archipelago of forests and jungles of the Capital Region of Veracruz




natural environment. community. developing


In the search for strategies for the proper management of protected natural areas, this research leads to the establishment of socio-spatial parameters in the urban-rural interface and its transformation from the natural to the anthropic environment. The Metropolitan Zone of Xalapa, Veracruz is specifically analyzed, since in this area there is a close relationship between human settlements and a protected natural area that frames the urban sprawl. The objective is to define strategies for spatial transformation through participation, management and governance, to promote sustained comprehensive development, through the use of mixed methodologies on issues of habitat, habitability and development in the study of the Multifunctional Biological Corridor of the Capital Region of the State of Veracruz (CBMRCEV). Finally, as conclusions, evidence of the social construction of identity is presented through a gradual process, where integral development stands out and self-consumption, self-management and self-development are strengthened.




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Author Biographies

  • Gabriel Zilli, Veracruzana University, UV, México

    PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, UV

  • Bertha Lilia Salazar, Veracruzana University, UV, Mexico

    Professor at the Veracruzana University

  • Luis Arturo Vázquez, Veracruzana University, UV, México

    Professor at the Veracruzana University


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Castells, M. (2001a). La era de la información: Economía, sociedad y cultura (vol. 1). México: Siglo XXI.

Castells, M. (2001b). La era de la información: Economía, sociedad y cultura. Volúmen II: El poder de la identidad. México: Siglo XXI.

Etzioni, A. (1993) The Spirit of Community: The Reinvention of American Society. New York: Touchstone.







How to Cite

Governance, habitat and participation. Archipelago of forests and jungles of the Capital Region of Veracruz . (2023). PatryTer, 6(11), 01-15.