Popular activation of public space in Latin America - pracialidade, monument and territorial-heritage
Public space. monument. territorial-heritage. Camagüey. Goiânia. Latin America.Abstract
This article aims to analyze, from the public spaces of Camagüey (Cuba) and Goiânia (Brazil), the relationship between subjects and monuments. In this sense, the Ignacio Agramonte Square, in Camagüey, is significant in cultural and architectural aspects, as well as demanding the subjects' daily experiences with the heroic figure of the monument to Ignacio Agramonte. Likewise, the formation of Bandeirante Square, in Goiânia, has its essence associated with the political-cultural sphere that emerges from the process of building the city and implies the forms of socialization, therefore, the monument to Bandeirante awakens the interest in understanding the political and/or playful meanings represented by the statue. Methodologically, it is about the popular activation of public space in the light of territorial-heritage, reinforcing this search for the understanding of uses and functions in/of public spaces in Latin American cities and the possibilities in their relations with monuments.
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