Cooperation circles, uses of the cities’ territory and popular culture in Brazil
Flexible uses of the city. spontaneous action. cooperation circles of popular culture.Abstract
We propose a reflection about the cooperation circles animated by spontaneous actions. By associating themselves with the ascending social and territorial divisions of labor, these circles promote flexible uses of the cities, revealing the emergence of non-hegemonic rationalities, generated in the order of places. Through the observation of specialized circles in the elaboration/circulation of popular cultural goods, the objective is to approach their empirical manifestation, highlighting their potential as matrixes for the design of public and community policies. Starting from a dynamic and comprehensive concept of geographical space, the focus is on spatial circuits of production and the uses of territory by the culture. This procedure makes it possible to consider popular culture cooperation circles as a set of counter-purposes aimed at breaking with the rigidity of hegemonic rationality, providing practical and updated knowledge about the reality of places and the world.
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