The "monument center" and patrimonialization of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil
Historical and cultural heritage. monument center. monumentalization. identity. politics.Abstract
The article discusses the process of patrimonialization of the city of Sobral, in the Brazilian state of Ceará, as guided by a certain way of seeing urbanization and education. The policy of preserving cultural heritage applied at the historic site is used as the place for a discourse that defines a model of tradition, at the same time of modernity, built by the almost political group anchored in the family “Ferreira Gomes”. This discourse is present in public policies for urbanization and education. The article reads the PDDU of the city, and a textbook on local history and geography produced for municipal elementary education and tries to explain how heritage is present in these documents, crossing with other documentary sources and memories of the researcher. This reading shows that the identity and cultural heritage listed, therefore, cannot be understood as representative of all Sobralenses, but of those who defend a certain model of city.
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