Traditional constructive technology transmission in Mexico - heritage in danger




Technology transmission. traditional architecture. Mexico. heritage.


Traditional architecture as a theme is exposed from the point of view of traditional constructive technique transmission. The relationship between the material and immaterial heritage, potentiality and vulnerability are also studied. Point of focus is on inadequate actions that do not consider social, cultural and natural possibilities at the historical settlements in Mexico. The work is based on direct observation, surveys, interviews, analysis and participations with the studied communities. It is considered that the practice that has been applied is homogenizing and does not take into account intangible values ”‹”‹of heritage, and neglects ancestral social values ”‹”‹without applying policy and idiosyncrasies of the inhabitants who hold that heritage. It is concluded that there is no future for the traditional architecture without meeting the immaterial values ”‹”‹of its processes.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Alberto Torres Garibay, Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, USNH, Mexico

    Researcher of the UMSNH. Doctorate in Architecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

  • Eugenia Maria Azevedo Salomao, Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, UMSNH, Mexico

    Researcher of the UMSNH. Doctorate in Architecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico


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How to Cite

Traditional constructive technology transmission in Mexico - heritage in danger. (2021). PatryTer, 4(7), 78-89.