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Author Guidelines

PatryTer Journal does not apply fees for submission, publication or any other kind of fees in its procedures, being a scientific vehicle aimed at the Latin American scientific community.

Presentation of the Originals

All papers submitted in Patryter Journal must be presented in electronic format, typed in text processors such as Word or any other compatible. 

The author must download the Template and write the article rigorously from it , respecting all the pre-established layout. The submitted article must be accompanied by the Letter from the authors to the editor.

Structure for article:

  • cover page with personal data - maximum 4 author (s): name, education and qualification, institution, electronic mail, national number;
  • title of the article;
  • abstract and title must be in 3 languages (english, spanish and portuguese with translation done with a professional).
  • maximum 5 key-words in the 3 languages of the abstracts;
  • the text of article, with images, tables and charts if there is;
  • bibliographic references; 
  • endnotes.

- The cover page should contain title and clarification of the origin of the article [thesis or research project financed, with all possible information in up to 4 lines], name, institutional link, address (s) of the author (s). If there is more than one author, the same (s) should be clearly identified. Articles with more than 4 authors will be rejected.

- The articles, always unpublished (they will be checked for plagiarism), must contain a minimum of 7.000 and maximum of 9.000 words, in font Garamond, size 11, with all the merges in 2,5 cm and single line space and justified body text. 

- Critical reviews must have a maximum of 2.500 words, Garamond font size 11 and other features as described above.

- On the first page, the title of the article should be typed in font Garamond, lowercase, size 14, bold, centred at the top of the page, with single line spacing. Other titles, which will accompany the three abstracts (Portuguese, Spanish and English).

                                      Title of the article [Garamond-Bold 14]                                                       

                                               Titulo del articulo [Garamond-Bold 11]

                                              Título do artigo [Garamond-Bold 11]

- Abstract (in english), Resumen (in spanish) and Resumo (in portuguese) must be in Garamond, size 11, body text justified, with single spacing, with 100 to 150, translated by a professional of the language.    

- The key-words must be a maximum of five, (in english, spanish and portuguese) separated by semicolons, all lower case. They must be arranged just below each abstract, respectively.

- The subtitles are graphically differentiated between different or equal hierarchy sections:

  1. Level 1: Garamond 12, bold

            1.1. Level 2: Garamond 11, bold

  1.1.1. Level 3: Garamond 11, italic

- Do not start a new page with each subheading.

- Do not use the footnotes, but endnotes in Garamond 10, single spacing and sequential roman numbers (follow the model of the Template). The notes must be very synthetic; citations should not be made in the notes, unless complements of ideas present in the text (do not use notes with more than 3 lines). The endnotes must be inserted with an automatic feature of the text editor. The text must not have more than 15 endnotes. And each note must not have more than 3 lines. 

- The illustrations, tables, graphics, images and similars must be inserted in the text, and identified in body text, with a minimum resolution of 150 dpi, as pointed in the  Template.

- Each illustration must match a picture (even if it corresponds to two scenes, look for the example in the Template) and be numbered in the arabic sequence, identified in the body text in full (picture 01, picture 02, etc). The same procedure must be adopted for tables, graphics and similars (table 01, table 02, graphic 01, graphic 02, etc), etc. The numbering and titles of each one of these elements must come in the superior part of them and the respective subtitles or sources, in the inferior part. In this case, Garamond 11 font is used with text centered. 

- The tables and charts must be duly formatted, according to the own resources of the Word or compatible editor, using the option “Insert Table”, and not as picture pasted in the text.  

- To submit a manuscript, the authors must upload in the system of the journal with the correct file, in text format, compatible with Word 2003 or more recent, with the maximum size of 4Mb.

- In the bibliography, respect the exact place of punctuation, italic, symbols, dates, 

- Na bibliografia respeitar o local exato da pontuação, itálicos, símbolos, datas, bottom line indent, internet text retrieval, as the  Template. If the text does not respect all the rules it will be returned to the author(s) with no evaluation.

- The references of the text subject must follow strictly the orientations presented in the Template, and demonstrated below:

Journal article

Lemos, A. (2018). Cidades, territórios e memória na América Latina. PatryTer, 1(2), 4-9. DOI or  accessible internet link



Santos, M. (1994). A urbanização brasileira. São Paulo: Hucitec.

Book chapter

Scarlato, F. (1998). Espaço, sociedade e globalização. In M. Santos, A. Lemos & M. Souza (Ed.). O novo mapa do mundo (pp. 23-42). São Paulo: Hucitec.

Doctorate, master and monograph

Palacios, V. (2013). O território e as cidades no período técnico-científico-informacional. (Tese de Doutorado em Geografia). Universidade de Brasília, Brasília.

Event Annals Text

Silva, F. & Mesquita, E. (2015). Leituras pós-coloniais. In Anais do Sétimo Congresso em Estudos Pós-coloniais (pp. 21-55). Salvador, Brasil: Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia.  Accessible internet link

Communication at congresses

Raeds, A., Lima, L. & Alvarado, I. (2009). Por um conhecimento aplicado à realidade territorial. In Anais do 3o Simpósio Internacional de Geografia (pp. 67-68). Accessible internet link

Newspaper article

Boscariol, R. (2000, Julho 19). Onde está a Geografia? Brasília, Correio Braziliense.  Accessible internet link


Tratados Internacionais. (2009). O Tratado de Londres.  Accessible internet link

How to cite PatryTer articles

Costa, E., Alvarado, I., & Rubio, R. (2020). Resistencias y existencias espaciales en Latinoamérica, el poder del arte, de la cultura y del pueblo. PatryTer, 3(5), 1-18.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise it should be justified in "comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were reported when possible.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors , on the About Journal page.


Política padrão de seção


Política padrao de seçao 

Cities and heritage in Latin America - Gecipa

Política padrão de seção

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.