Effect of vegetation on the urban microclimate
a case study in Rio de Janeiro using ENVI-met simulations
Urban Microclimate, Atmospheric Temperature, Hygrothermal Comfort, VegetationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the influence of vegetation on a street in Rio de Janeiro, located in a consolidated neighborhood, by evaluating the impact of different scenarios on air temperature and relative humidity using computational simulations with the ENVI-met 5 software and Python programming language. A comparison was made between the existing situation of the street in 2018 and seven different hypothetical scenarios, using two species of tree vegetation, green roofs, and green facades. It was found that: [1] under the adopted climatic conditions, the differences between the scenarios were small; [2] the adoption of different tree species and the variation in their quantity did not produce significant average results; [3] based on the morphological characteristics of Fernando Osório Street, the scenarios using green facades resulted in achieving both lower average and spot air temperatures, and higher average and spot relative humidities among the other scenarios; [4] to achieve good hygrothermal levels in the streets of consolidated urban centers, ensuring the sustainability and overall efficiency of the system, combined solutions of different vegetation applications can be adopted.
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