Evaluation and enhancement of the hot water system in university housing: an intervention example
Water Consumption, Solar water heating, Student Housing, Monitoring, Rational UseAbstract
The use of solar water heating systems can bring savings, reducing environmental impacts compared to conventional energy sources. The main objective of the study was to identify pathologies in the hot water plumbing system of the Cerrado University Housing (MUC) in Catalão-GO, and correct them through interventions, evaluating efficiency before and after. For fourteen months, data on cold water, hot water, and energy consumption of the apartments and the number of residents in the building were collected. During the intervention, CPVC piping was replaced with PEX tubes, changes were made to the connections of the solar panels, a hydraulic pump and valves were introduced to improve recirculation, and the electric resistance was replaced. After the modifications, there was a trend of reduction in total hot water consumption and the consumption index (CI). The average shower heating time was reduced from 2 minutes to 20 seconds. Additionally, the average hot water consumption per resident decreased by 23.47%. Energy consumption, which had a trend of increase, stabilized after the modifications, indicating an improvement in the energy efficiency of the building. Thus, the interventions contributed to increasing the efficiency of the facilities.
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