Interaction of electrical resistivity with rebound hammer and ultrasonic velocity test
Concreto, Resistividade elétrica, Esclerometria, Velocidade de propagação do pulso ultrassônico, Ensaios não destrutivosAbstract
Periodic inspection programs in reinforced concrete structures are essential for planning maintenance and for better control of structural behavior under service conditions. Within this context, non-destructive tests (NDT) prove to be an important tool for monitoring the integrity of structures, since they offer qualitative and quantitative parameters that help in the evaluation, analysis and an assertive diagnosis. So, the objective of this work is to evaluate the interaction of the electrical resistivity of concrete with the parameters of rebound hammer (IE) and ultrasonic pulse propagation velocity (US) techniques during the first 28 days of age of two structural concretes (C25 and C45 strength class concretes). For this purpose, two concrete resistivity techniques were considered, namely: surface apparent electrical resistivity (RE) and volumetric electrical resistivity (RV). As a result, high correlations were obtained between IE and RE, with coefficients of determination (R2) equal to 0.83 and 0.88, as well as between IE and RV, with R2 equal to 0.91 and 0.96, for C25 and C45, respectively. At the same time, coefficients of determination between 0.85 and 0.96 were obtained in the correlations between the ultrasonic pulse velocity and the resistivity data (RE and RV), in the two concretes studied. Finally, very high coefficients of determination (R2) were observed, above 0.93, in the relationships of VPU and IE with compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, for the two concretes evaluated. This demonstrates the great potential of the electrical resistivity technique, as an indicator of concrete durability, for complementary use in field inspections of concrete structures.
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