Importance of heritage recognition in Caetité: modern buildings in a historic city of Alto Sertão Baiano




Modernism, Architectural Heritage, Cultural heritage


The article aims to discuss about the need the necessity of the preservation of a set of buildings erected in the mid 1960´s, respectected as modern ones, situated in Caetité- Bahia. The (co)existence in the above mentioned municipality of row houses correlated to the ecleticism and bound to the formation of the urban framework with modern assets, requires special attention, since all are witnesses of different moments in local history.

It is in the dialogue between the times and historical values that a contextualization points at a possible risk: the recall of the “pretérito perfeito”, the amnesia of the “’pretérito imperfeito’”. If, on one hand, along the the olden times of barons and colonels it is framed and hung on the wall of its people´s memory; on the other hand, in the same timeline, the given moment in the 1960´s has been extended to the contemporaneity, showing timidly its merit.

It is awake, therefore, the thought about the understanding of the history as a continuous process that involves different achivements and moments. Moreover, this research is about buildings which are tied to the modernist aesthetics, in a city which is strongly linked to the architectural expression of previous centuries; they also translate peculiarities and are available to be understood as Cultural Heritage.

Author Biographies

  • Renato Sérgio Neves Ledo, Centro Universitário FG, Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Renato Sérgio Neves Ledo, architect and urban planner, works in the conception of architectural projects. Specialist in Sustainable Rehabilitation in the area of architecture and urbanism. He is currently a professor in the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Centro Universitário FG, in Guanambi - Bahia.

  • Andrey Rosenthal Schlee, Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Andrey Rosenthal Schlee, master and doctor in history of architecture, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, UNB. Current Director of the Department of Material Patrimony and Inspection of Iphan.


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Environmental Rehabilitation in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism

How to Cite

Importance of heritage recognition in Caetité: modern buildings in a historic city of Alto Sertão Baiano. (2023). Paranoá, 16(36), 1-21.

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