Sustainable Neighborhood: Sustainability Evaluation of Palm Jumeirah Island in Dubai
Artificial islands; Sustainable neighborhood; Sustainability; Environmental quality; Social impacts; Palm Jumeirah Island; DubaiAbstract
The United Arab Emirates has spent the last two decades working to transform its coastline, expanding territory and creating monumental artificial landscapes like the artificial islands, to shift its oil-based economy to a service and tourism economy. The rapid expansion of urban land cover has posed serious challenges for the sustainability of the country. This article, which has the Palm Jumeirah Island as an example, aims to study the design, construction of the islands and their relation to sustainability. The work is based on previous recognition of the area, by the author, from site visits, bibliographical surveys, photographic records and observations. A field study was needed due to the lack of similar previous research. The results showed that interventions in Dubai, such as Palm Jumeirah Island, brought good and significant changes to the economy (as desired), but generated socio-cultural conflicts as well as environmental problems, especially in the maritime environment.
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