Acessibilidade em edifícios de múltiplos usos mediada pela ergonomia


  • Juliane Calvet Universidade de Brasília, Brasília
  • Julia Abrahão Universidade de Brasília, Brasília



Accessibility, Ergonomics, Mixed Use Buildings, Brazilian regulations, Social inclusion


Mixed use buildings are one of the main products of the real estate market and, as they multiply, they do not always consider the real needs of persons with reduced mobility - PRM. The present study analyzes the accessibility of two buildings in order to identify the problems arising from the inadequacies of the multifunctional buildings regarding the accessibility normative of the NBR 9050. therefore, it adds ergonomic concepts as support to evaluate if the criteria adopted since the architectural design ensured the needs and limitations of the user, as well as their comfort while moving. The method consisted of a series of steps with distinct objectives: - Analyzing the plans of the buildings and the characteristics of the PRM users; - Simulating graphically in the blueprints the circulation/obstruction possibilities; - Validating through a guided tour, identifying the difficulties and strategies of the user in the different routes. The methodology adopted has as a presupposition the analysis of the current situation and the participation of the user in the process. The results point to barriers in important accesses and even when normative standards are contemplated, comfort is not always ensured. Despite, the fragility of the data, the study proposes a reflection on the role of the normative, particularly pointing their limits.


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How to Cite

Acessibilidade em edifícios de múltiplos usos mediada pela ergonomia. (2018). Paranoá, 11(21).

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