Casa Suindara: formação, experimentação e construção no habitat rural


  • Anaïs Guéguen Perrin HABIS/IAU/USP, São Carlos/SP e Cultures Constructives/AE&CC/ENSAG, Grenoble/FR
  • Thiago Lopes Ferreira HABIS/IAU/USP, São Carlos/SP e Cultures Constructives/AE&CC/ENSAG, Grenoble/FR



Design build program, Popular housing, Rural settlements, Social technologies


Suindara House results from an experiment in social and university extension, within the context of a design build program, in which, from the production of family housing in an agrarian reform rural settlement, practices of architectonic conception and execution that can be classified as collective, dialectic and sustainable, were experimented and analysed. The processes of learning and knowledge building occurred complementarily and simultaneously to the constructive practices and to social technologies development, performed based on the use of local, natural and reused materials. From this perspective, the articulation between the academic world and the social reality of the rural settlement provided the rapprochement and interaction between scientific, technical and popular knowledge. Beyond involvement in the process, the resident family revealed itself to be a protagonist in the action and a training agent of participants on the building site.This work briefly presents the execution process of the design build program, analysing the experience through productive and educational dimensions, where the training process is realised through social work, which in turn is established as an educational principle.


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How to Cite

Casa Suindara: formação, experimentação e construção no habitat rural. (2017). Paranoá, 9(17).

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